Saturday, November 8, 2014

Easy DIY Mike and Sulley Costumes!

Happy Late Halloween Everyone!!!

I had some people ask about my friend Amy and I's costumes this year. Amy was away so I made her Sulley costume for her. Here is a step by step of how I created theses awesome Monsters Inc. costumes! P.S. Mike Wazowski is my favorite disney character of all time so it was natural that I be him on the one day a year, that you can dress CRAZY!

Here are the supplies you'll need for the DIY Sulley Shirt! I purchased everything I needed at Joann's. Purple Acrylic Glitter Paint, some paint brushes, an empty toilet paper roll (weird I know just stick with me!), and a teal t-shirt. I bought mine from Wet Seal for about $6.00.

Make sure you place something inside the shirt so that the paint doesn't leak through and cause the fabric to stick together. Yes... that is a horse butt I just used an old plastic place mat we never use anymore! :P 

Next I poured my glitter paint out onto some tin foil, and smoothed it into a circle with my paint brush. I just dipped the toilet paper roll in, making sure to cover it evenly, and I placed it onto my shirt.

Slowly while pulling the fabric I peeled the tube off of the shirt, to reveal a perfect circle! Now you get the whole toilet paper roll thing, huh?

Carefully using my paint brush I filled in the little circles with my glitter paint. This takes lots of care, you don't want to paint outside the lines by mistake! I speak from experience! This over all took 5-6 LIGHT coats of glitter paint, to get the color I was looking for! 

Now I was left with a super cool, glittery purple polka dot t-shirt! Now onto the horns! 

For the horns I simply bought some devil horns from Party City, and ripped off the red feathers. As you can see from the first picture, I just covered the previous devil horns in regular grey heavy duty duct tape. The Sulley snapback as also purchased at Party City, for about $10.00! Add a blue tutu, and voila! You have yourself a pretty cool James P. Sullivan costume!

You could just as easily create a Mike Wazowski shirt with his one eye, and toothy grin. I bought mine at Wet Seal along with both the tutus. Overall, I think these costumes were super fun, and we definitely enjoyed parading around the neighbourhood trick or treating with them! Hope you guys liked this blogpost. Because of my surgery it's easier for me to write Blog Posts then to film videos, but don't worry I've planned all my videos up until March! Get excited!!! 

xoxo- Eli

Twitter: randomthatsme1
Instagram: randomthatsme1
Pinterest: Eli Bee  

Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Hida-WHAT NOW?!? | My Ongoing Medical Journey

  Heyy Everyone!

Welcome back to my blog! This post is going to be a long one, please stick around until the end, you never know you might need some words of encouragement. These past few weeks have been extremely difficult for me. I've been through many tests to figure out this stomach pain I've constantly had since May. None of the doctors believed it was real pain, many of them said it was just in my head, or anxiety. This was obviously not the case. My Mom did plenty of research and found that my symptoms are exactly those of a Gallbladder Disease.  P.S. I say we often, meaning my Mom and I! :)

Eventually a doctor agreed to prescribe a HIDA (hi-daa) Scan. This is a scan where the technologist can see how your gallbladder is working, and if it's contracting or not. They do this by injecting a dye through an IV. This dye can be seen on the scan, and you can actually see it moving through the gallbladder and intestines. May I mention this 'special dye' was TERRIBLY difficult to get a hold of. They have a nation wide shortage of this dye in the U.S.A, so we had to get it shipped from India. This took about 3 weeks, of more constant suffering.

 Below is a picture from Google of a HIDA Scan machine.

We received the test results, and it showed that my gallbladder is working at 94%. A healthy gallbladder has an extraction rate of about 30%-70%, mine is obviously way to high. However, we were told everything was perfectly fine and I did not need to remove my gallbladder. We were convinced otherwise. After some more thorough research, we found that having hyperactive gallbladder (works too quickly) is just as bad as having a hypoactive gallbladder (works too slowly.) My mom asked to see a younger Paediatric Gastroenterologist (a stomach doctor who specialises in children.) He reviewed my test results and symptoms and came to the conclusion that I do indeed need a surgery to remove my gallbladder. This is a very rare disease in children like me. 

This doctor also decided that I needed to have a sleep study done, for my insomnia. This was done last night and I can tell you it wasn't fun at all! They put you into a hospital room that looks like a hotel room to make you as comfortable as possible. In my case, there was a full bed, and a pull out bed for my mom to sleep on. They then attach many, many, MANY wires to all different parts of your body e.g Legs, Face, Scalp, Stomach. These wires are attached with a gooey, blue adhesive. Due to my sensitive skin this 'goo' burned and itched the entire night. 

This is me getting all my wires attached, what a joy! I definitely needed some cupcakes here! :P 

Here is a lovely photo of me with all my wires attached, I was grumpy because it was burning my skin! I think this needs to be a medical magazine cover! LOL! My hair is CRAZY! 

The wires were very tight, so on an already painful stomach, the straps made the pain worse. Overall, I believe I slept about 2 hours throughout the entire night. I don't recommend a sleep study for people with anxiety. Knowing they were recording my sleep, the wires that got tangled, and the fact I was in the hospital made it VERY tough to fall asleep. The cool part was that the nurse was able to tell I was dreaming by my brain activity, now we just need a machine to rewatch dreams! Wouldn't that be cool?! 

To make up for all the hospital visits, my mom brought me to an arcade today! I had lots of luck and kept winning plenty of prizes. To see the things I won check out my Instagram @elilovessparkles. I know my story isn't the most dreadful, or life threatening, but it is definitely a life changing one. I hope to help people who are suffering from anxiety, depression and panic attacks, like I am. I know what it's like to have doctors, and others not believe you. All you desperately want is to find what is causing you pain, not knowing adds a lot of anxiety to your already full plate. DO NOT give up, you WILL find what it is, and it WILL get better! Please if anyone needs advice, or wants to talk DM me on Instagram, Twitter, or visit my YouTube channel.

Thank you for reading another one of my blogposts, I know it was pretty long, but hopefully now, you understand what is happening in my life, and why I'm not uploading or blogging as often as I would like! I love you all! 
  xoxoxo- Eli  

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

DIY Terrarium!!

Heyy Everyone!

So this is going to be my first blogpost! YAY! Please excuse any mistakes I make, I'm kinda a blogging noob! This blog is going to be all about experiences I have, and things I do in my life, off of youtube. Since I am the BIGGEST arts and crafts nerd ever, I thought what a better way to start off my blogging experience than with a DIY!

I have been wanting to make a succulent terrarium for the longest time, and it wasn't until I found the perfect bowl that I finally went ahead and made one. This is a DIY succulent Terrarium, if you don't know what that is, well do you know what an aquarium is? Aqua is latin for water, and Terra is land for land, so it's kinda like your own little garden in a bowl. A succulent terrarium basically means this little garden needs a lot of sunlight, and only a little bit of water.

Let's Get Started!
Here are the supplies you'll need: Gravel, Moss, Small Succulent Plants, a Bowl, Potting Mix, and decorations! 

You can find all these supplies at a gardening store and/or a craft store such as Michael's. For decorations I used a small wooden bridge made for fairy gardens, small blue pebbles to use as pretend water, and a little plastic cat to sit on the bridge. I had also bought a cute little bucket, with a tiny shovel but that seemed gotten lost on the way back home from the garden store. 
I added the gravel first since my bowl doesn't have a drain for excess water, the gravel will absorb it. Only do this if you don't have a draining hole in your bowl, otherwise save the gravel as decor on top of the potting mix. 
I added the potting mix on top of the gravel, that way I can now move on to planting the succulent plants. Make sure to evenly spread the soil all around your bowl, so your plant's roots have plenty of room to grow. 

I started loosening up the plants by squeezing them while they were still in their pots, this made the plants easily slide out without breaking off their roots. Be VERY careful not to break the plants while taking them out of their pots. 

I simply made small holes in the potting mix and placed my plant inside. I added more soil to make sure the plant was nice and snug. 

This is what it looked like once I added my three little succulent plants. I decided to not use a cactus even though it was the more colorful route. The reason I didn't is because I've never had very good luck with cactuses and I didn't want to get poked, or go through the process of planting that in a small bowl. Basically I was bound to get poked.... uhh NO thank you!  
Now my little terrarium looks so green, with the added moss! I just placed this all around to cover up the brown soil. Soon enough the moss will begin to grow and fill up the space a little more. So, all the planting is done, now it's time to get to my favorite part.....DECORATING!! 

This was by far the best part of making this terrarium, it was so much fun deciding what to put in my little garden. Honestly you can do as much or as little as you'd like. Put as many colors, and decorations as you want. I've seen miniature picnic sets with wine and cheese, small animals, little people, there are tons of different ways of going about making a terrarium. Go on Pinterest and look up it up you'll find plenty of fun creative ideas. 

Now go and have fun creating a small lush, green, world of your own! 

That's it for my blog post today, I hope you all enjoyed it, and leave a comment and go ahead and check out my youtube channel.... go on you know you want to! ;) 

Love, Elisabeth